
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Pilgrim and Indian Turkey Headband Hats

Turkey Day is a big deal in our family. Right after Labor Day, we get a twinge of excitement for the upcoming holidays. We took over all the cooking from our moms years ago so that we can do a traditional American style feast as opposed to an Asian one. I'm not a cook at all but can do a juicy turkey. What I love about Thanksgiving is that the focus is on the food and family. No stress about buying and wrapping presents.

With all the little babies this year, I put together some hand print turkey hats. Gabby loves getting her hand traced so she had fun helping me make this. I gave the turkey some lashes for fun. 

Thanksgiving Pilgrim Turkey Headband Hat using Hand Prints:

I prepared a bunch of turkey heads in advance wearing pilgrim and feather headbands. Before dinner, parents helped trace and cut out handprints to glue on a headband. It was a fun little activity while dinner is being setup.

Indian and Pilgrim Turkey Heads:

Completed Turkey Headbands (with some adult handprints too):

Gabby Modeling Her Turkey Hat in Our Family Picture: