
Thursday, December 15, 2011

DIY Sweet and Salty Caramel Turtles Recipe

To follow up on my last post, I wanted to share the quick and simple recipe for my Sweet and Salty Caramel Turtles. It will take you less than 15 minutes total and will be sure to be a hit.

Sweet and Salty Caramel Turtles:

Here is what you need:

  • A bag of Rolos (found at Target, Walmart or any supermarket). A 12 oz bag contained about 57 pieces.
  • A bag of Snyder's Butter Snaps (you could use mini pretzels as well but the butter snaps have more surface area)
  • Any Topping(s) of your choice. I did cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios and Holiday M&M's.
  • Parchment paper (I use the Reynold's brand because they were on sale for $2.50/roll at the supermarket) 
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line parchment paper on two cookie sheets. 

Step 2: Unwrap the Rolos and place them on the Butter Snaps. Unwrapping the individual Rolos will take the longest in this whole process. 

Synder's Butter Snaps & Bag of Rolos:

Unwrapped Rolos on Butter Snaps Lined Up and Ready for Baking:

Step 3: Place the cookie tray in the oven for 3-4 minutes until the chocolate starts looking "wet". Try not to overcook or else the chocolate will start burning. I did 3 minutes in my oven and it turned out fine. 

Step 4: Place a topping on top of the Rolo and push it down. Be careful not to touch the chocolate with your finger.

Finished Sweet and Salty Caramel Turtles: 

Step 5: Let it cool. If you are in a rush to leave, you can place them in the refrigerator or freezer. Just remember to serve them at room temperature or else you will be eating hard cold caramel. 

That's it. You're done! You can place them in individual mini cupcake cups or just toss them in a box like I did. 

Finished Sweet and Salty Caramel Turtles. I placed them in parchment paper over a sheet of green tissue for a festive look. 

Gabby checking out the yummy goodness:

My Little Monkey:


  1. That is Awesome! And the kids will love helping too. Keep up the good work.

    D from FL

  2. My kids and I will try this... get your kids involve without the mess... I love it! Dad of 2 boys... I need to keep them busy without the hassle.
