
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

DIY Felt Tater Head Tutorial

I've been thinking about making Gabby something out of felt so she can do some quiet imaginative play. She loves playing with her Mr. Potato Head just about every single day so I decided to use some of the felt I bought over the weekend (see previous post) and make her a two dimensional version that I can toss in my bag on the go.

Materials Needed:
  • Nine pieces of felt in black, brown, tan, red, white, yellow, baby pink, hot pink, blue. Usually sold in single 9x12 sheets. 
  • 2-3 Sheets of Scrap Paper
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Scissors
Total Cost of Project: Under $2-3. 

First I took scrap paper to draw a rough outline. As you can see, the template wasn't very pretty.

I made the tater's body, eyes, two noses, two smiles, a mustache, two arms, shoes, a bowler hat, a crown, a purse and eyebrows. My cousin, Q, helped me punch of some dots and flowers using her Cuttlebug which can be used as eyes, earrings or embellishments for the crown or purse. At $0.20/sheet of felt with a coupon, the total cost of this project was under $2 and I have still have tons of scraps leftover. (Without a coupon is $0.34/sheet so approximately $3.) I am thinking of making some high heels, hair, maybe a diaper, bottle and pacifier. What other accessories should I make?

Completed Tater Head.

Originally I was going to sew the tan tater head piece right on the brown felt backing and sew a pouch on the backside to store all the pieces. Gabby seemed to enjoy moving the tater around herself so I decided to just stash everything neatly in a quart sized ziploc bag. It will keep all the pieces clean and dry as well. So you can totally do this at home with just some felt and a pair of scissors. No sewing required.

With Christmas around the corner, I may do a Christmas tree or snowman version as well. It's so simple and fast to make.

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