Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gabby's Butterfly Birthday Party Featured on Ohdeedoh

Back in November I shared Gabby's second birthday party pictures here. Someone suggested that I submit the photos to Ohdeedoh/Apartment Therapy so I thought it would be fun to try. I never heard back from them but suddenly got an email out of the blue that it would be posted. It's kind of exciting that Gabby's party was deemed somewhat worth sharing. :)

This would also explain the sudden surge of emails asking for more detailed help on this specific party. I will try to email back as soon as I can.

By the way, if you're interested in home renovations, decorating, crafts, basically anything Pinterest worthy, check out Apartment Therapy. Loads of eye candy.

1 comment:

  1. Really cute party! I'm actually thinking of making cake pops for Joslyn's 2nd birthday in June. Did you make them? Were they easy? I've never made them before but I found a recipe on Pinterest. My plan is to put the cake pops in ice cream cones to look like little ice creams :) I loved your ice cream bar too! I want to do a root beer float bar for her party but I'm a little worried about the heat in June melting all the ice cream!
