Monday, July 23, 2012

Catching Up

You could say my poor blog has been a little neglected lately. Somewhere between laundry, storytime, park dates, dinner and birthday parties, my blog has fallen through the cracks. I do want to start catching up before fall and winter is here again though. I have posts and projects piling up waiting to be shared. This will be on my summer bucket list. 

Anyways, Gabby's at such an interesting age right now. Yes, she's in the midst of her Terrible Twos and heading towards her Thunderous Threes but also so much fun. She's talking a ton and saying the funniest things. It's incredible seeing how her mind works and how she views the world. I need to stop thinking she's still a helpless baby and face the fact that she's two going on thirteen. 

I better stop here for today and figure out what to make for dinner. I'll leave you with a few Instagram photos in the meantime.

G Calling Her "Fwends"

Wanting to Take Pluto Home

Future Olympian

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